Thursday, 23 July 2009

How do we handle Apartheid 2.0?

For a few years now I’ve wondered how white South Africans could dig themselves out of the shit-hole that the Black Marxist ANC has created. Of course there are options, like emigrating to a predominantly white country (Read USA, U.K, Australia, New Zealand, and really most of Europe). This of course is not without it’s pitfalls as we all know.

Firstly you would need to qualify for emigration. In order to qualify for most countries you need to meet two basic criteria. The first is financial, you need to show your potential new country of settlement that you can support yourself without the help of the host country’s social welfare system and secondly your job and or qualifications should be sufficient enough to show that you can make a positive contribution to said host country. Of course this is over simplified as each country differs to a degree but the gist is the same.

The problem here is due to the current economic downturn and the racist policy of AA/BEE. Due to this policy it is increasingly difficult for a white South African to get a job and then subsequently make enough money in order to emigrate. This of course is a double edged sword since without a job you cannot gain the experience required.

Not every average white South African has the means to emigrate, nor does the average white South African have the intention to emigrate. Why should they? South Africa is just as much their country as everyone else’s. If not more so, but that’s a post for a different day.

The only other option left open to white South Africans is to stay put and continue being victims of the atrocities carried out against them, or to stand up and fight. Not in the literal sense of the word (At first anyway) but to show the world that they are being discriminated against and are being targeted by black people in crime situations. The problem is however, how do they go about doing so, without any or at least as little bloodshed as possible?

So many questions that need to be answered, so many answers to those questions but which answers match up to which questions? That’s the hard part. How do we as white South Africans make the world realise that they have made a grave mistake by removing one form of apartheid and substituted it with another form of apartheid only worse? How can we loosen the Marxist grip of those controlling our beloved country? How do we ensure that white Africans will continue to survive and thrive in Africa?

So many questions, so little time to answer them in. At best we have five to ten years before South Africa implodes and becomes another failed state, at worst we have maybe two. Why only two years? Next year is the World Cup, the government would dare not do anything too drastic before or during the world cup, simply because if it's taken away from them they will have lost another opportunity to enrich themselves and their comrades. Two years because for a year after the world cup the pigs will still have the ability to feed at the trough, it's when this pig feed runs out when white South Africans will have to be on their highest alert. In 10-15 years time Nelson Mandela will be dead, that will be the catalyst for the ANC/Marxist extremists to start discriminating on a grander scale.

How do we make the world aware of what's happening in South Africa?

Just how did the previously oppressed make the world aware of what was happening in South Africa? Yes the world knew but how did the terrorists ensure they had the entire world’s backing? They used the press, and they used politicians. All we need to do is maintain a constant onslaught of letters to the press which includes papers, magazines, and television, as well as that we need to bombard politicians from around the world. (In a future post I’ll be putting up the email addresses, and mail addresses of most of the MP’s in Britain, and hopefully a few other countries).

These letters need to be concise, to the point and polite stating why we think we are being discriminated against, the case for our right to have our own homeland that is not blighted by the African/Marxist mindset. Not only do we need to educate the world we need to start re-educating white South Africa, to start making people proud of being white again, to be proud of our long African heritage and to be proud of all the things we have accomplished in Africa. We need to start providing white people alternative sources for news, news that has not been filtered by the MSM news that has not been censored. We need ordinary people to start reporting on news events and then making them publicly available on the internet (via Youtube, blogs etc). We also need to begin archiving all crimes committed against white people, we need to start documenting all this proof so that we can present to the world our case for a white homeland in Africa for ALL white Africans (Rhodesian, Namibian, Kenyan etc). Along with this we need to show the world that our basic human rights are being infringed upon.

How do we ensure the survival of the last white culture in South Africa whilst at the same time loosening the Marxist grip?

For too long now white south Africans have sat back and let things happen, for the greater good. while commendable, the time has now come to realise our mistakes and to start actively doing something about the hole we have dug for ourselves. it is blatantly obvious that all is not well with the current climate in South Africa. even the blacks have started to get annoyed that the promises that have been made to them by the ANC over the last 40 years have been nothing but lies. The ANC has had over 40 years to drum home the message that the white man is evil and has in turn created a sense of entitlement for the masses. we do not have the luxury of time.

White South Africans now need to start looking after their own. Just for starters i thought I'd list a few ways in which we can do so.

First stop where it is possible we need to start employing white people and white people only. There are thousands of white people who need jobs as they've been forced out of the job market by the illegal, racist AA/BEE policies of the government. Those of us who own our own companies should start ignoring AA/BEE where possible, I know this is a little more difficult for bigger companies but we need to start "empowering" our own. If possible we need to start making these companies smaller, in order to not fall foul of these policies, easier said than done i know but it is after all for our survival.

Those people who are self employed and who own their own companies should now stop deducting PAYE etc off of their white employees payslips, those self same companies should stop paying their tax contributions too. yes this will lead to prosecution but we all have to be brave sometime we need to start fighting and hitting the government where it hurts most, in the pocket. Once the money starts running out for them to buy expensive luxury cars and houses they may start to take notice, but I doubt it. White citizens ALL need to stop paying their municipal rates and taxes directly and join rate payers associations etc and only hand over the money when services are restored to the acceptable standards last seen during the first version of apartheid. They weren't perfect but at least they were a damn sight better than they are these days. For people to act alone it will be easy for the government to target them, in bigger groups it will be more difficult.

White people need to start protecting themselves and policing their own communities by forming competent neighbourhood policing units. White people need to start prosecuting criminals and dishing out civilized and justifiable punishments to those criminals who rape, steal, rob and murder. We have lawyers, we have ex-judges, we have ex-policemen, it can be done, and can be done large scale. once the black savages see we are no longer welcome mats they will stop targeting law abiding civilized whites. To help we need to start living in white only communities, with gated communities we are half way there, we need to start building white only communities again so we can claw back our culture, our civilized way of life.

The SADF was once one of the most feared and disciplined forces in Africa, if not the world. We need to start mobilising the brave men who once served our country with pride. Those men who bravely protected our borders and towns to stop the scourge of Communism from taking our coutry away from us.

We need to start educating our children correctly and to a high standard, to form at-home schools in small cells, there are plenty of white teachers who would gladly go back into teaching. To start teaching our children the real history of our country, untouched by liberal hands.

The boycotting of all black owned businesses where possible, to buy from white business even straight from farmers to give them a chance at survival.

We need to start youth clubs where our children can be taught about survival skill, discipline and pride of heritage.

I'm sure there are plenty of other ways we can ensure our survival not only for the present but for the future and i look forward to reccomendations from readers.

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