Thursday, 16 July 2009

The Freedom Charter, con of the century...almost.

The Freedom Charter is a document outlining the principles of the ANC. It's a pretty famous document, one that can be found on the ANC's website. How the world accepted it without protest I cannot believe, having a quick read through it, it becomes very apparent that it leans towards Marxist/Communist principles. Of course this comes as no suprise since all you need to do is take a look at the Axis of Evil that controls South Africa's government. For those not in the know. The ruling party is made up of three different organisations and they are the ANC, SACP (South African Communist Party) and COSATU (Confederation of South African Trade Unions). I suppose that should give a clue as to their intentions for the future of South Africa.

Anyhow I digress, what I wanted to do is show the hypocrisy of the document in todays context. I'm not going to do a copy/paste job of the document here in the post just follow the link above, I'm just going to outline various areas to get my point across and to show that the government needs to do one of two things. They either need to renounce the document and carry on the path that they are already on, or they need to change the path they are on and actually follow the principles that they set out on 26th June 1955.

The bolded bits are the statements within the charter:

And therefore, we, the people of South Africa, black and white together equals, countrymen and brothers adopt this Freedom Charter.

One quick look at South Africa will show you that black and white are not equal. Policies such as AA/BEE are not for the equal benefit of all. The majority of white people in South Africa are taxpayers, the majority of black people are not taxpayers. The whites therefore are funding the welfare of the blacks. Certainly not an equal stand point.

Every man and woman shall have the right to vote for and to stand as a candidate for all bodies which make laws;

Explain to me then why certain political parties in South Africa had to fight for expats (most of whom are still South African) to vote, it had to go as far as the Constitutional court.

The rights of the people shall be the same, regardless of race, colour or sex;

Again I grumble the words AA/BEE.

All people shall have equal right to use their own languages, and to develop their own folk culture and customs;

Why then are the Afrikaaners being persecuted for being Afrikaans? Read genocide of farmers. Why is it unacceptable to develop areas where people of the same culture can live together in harmony, without the influence of other cultures?

All national groups shall be protected by law against insults to their race and national pride;

Why then are we white South Africans being persecuted for the wrongs of Apartheid 1.0? Why can people like the leader of the ANCYL make comments like he does? Why was Madiba allowed to sing songs about killing white people? Why was Peter Mokaba then allowed to sing "Kill the boer, kill the farmer"? Why are we not allowed to use our old flag Oranje, Blanje Blou as OUR symbol of national pride?

The preaching and practice of national, race or colour discrimination and contempt shall be a punishable crime;

See above, why is it ok for various people to preach about discrimination of the white man, and not be punished? Why can we not call a spade a spade without fear of punishment, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. How can there be true freedom of speech when it's been restricted in some way?

All apartheid laws and practices shall be set aside.

Again it's simple to see they are not following their own core principles, AA/BEE.

The national wealth of our country, the heritage of South Africans, shall be restored to the people;

If the wealth of the country is to be restored to the people, why then are the vast majority of people in South Africa living in poverty and the rulers and politicians of the country living in wealth? The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer.

The mineral wealth beneath the soil, the Banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred to the ownership of the people as a whole;

Here's where communism takes a role, in other words they want mining, banking and monopoly industry (See Telkom, ESKOM) to be nationalised. So why then have they not nationalised the mines and the banks yet. Guys, if you're going to live by your core principles do so,don't pussy-foot around. (Of course we know what nationalisation means don't we?)

All other industry and trade shall be controlled to assist the wellbeing of the people;

All other industry and trade controlled to assist the well being of the people? Get rid of AA/BEE and it would be a step in the right direction.

All people shall have equal rights to trade where they choose, to manufacture and to enter all trades, crafts and professions.

I'm sure that this core principle is not being adhered to. Wouldn't you say? I mean after all I can just imagine opening a White Pride office at Luthuli House, I bet that won't be legal...

Restrictions of land ownership on a racial basis shall be ended, and all the land re-divided amongst those who work it to banish famine and land hunger;

The land is being redivided to people yes, but it's being given to those who do not work it for the benefit of all, just for themselves. In the cases of them trying to work it for the greater good of all they are failing miserably. (Black Farmers).

The state shall help the peasants with implements, seed, tractors and dams to save the soil and assist the tillers;

Peasants? I thought everyone was equal? What defines a peasant? The government is going to provide these people with implements, seeds, tractors and dams to save the soil? The soil doesn't need saving, the white farmers were doing fine until now. Oh I get it, they thought the NP government did the same for the white farmers, and that's why the farmers were so successful, it had nothing to do with working their asses off. I can just picture it, in a few years time when the black farmers first harvest fails (which it more than likely will) and they have not made money they are going back to the government for more help.

Freedom of movement shall be guaranteed to all who work on the land;

So what about those people who don't work the land? I thought everyone was equal?

All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose;

Rather worrying this one isn't it? Of course this is already happening all over. Squatter camp anyone? This needs to be tested though. What happens if a group of like minded white people decided to choose a lush piece of land and then develop their own community there?

I could go on and on and on about the Freedom Charter, I'm not being lazy by stopping here. I want people to see the Freedom Charter for what it is. To draw their own conclusions about various principles in the charter.

All in all it's a very irresponsible document. I believe along with a few other factors the charter is the reason South Africa is the shit-hole it is today. Promises made, promises that could never possibly be kept, promises that ensure that the ANC would be voted into power straight away, not for the enrichment of the people but rather for the enrichment for the political leaders, at the expense of the white South African.

It's time for all white South Africans to make a stand, to show the world that the ANC is no better than the NP, in fact they are far worse considering their Marxist tendencies.


  1. All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose;

    This is just plain silly, and shows a childish lack of thought. It is clear that not all people choose to crowd into one small space, even if it is suddenly become very desirable. Of course, when you are a marxist, logic is always optional ....

  2. Logic may be optional but they reserve their right not to use it. For over 40 years the ANC indoctrinated the "people" causing untold damage. It is now in the black psyche (in the context of South Africa anyway)to have a sense of permanent entitlement.

    We don't have another 40 years to undo the damage done and there are only so many ways to "re-educate" them in time to ensure the survival of the white African.
